Saturday, October 02, 2004

Real Costs

I've labelled Robert Paterson a lifestylist. Not only has he crafted a great setup with his family on PEI, he's proven that the "lifestyle ratchet" doesn't only go up in cost and consuption. He left behind the banking world in Toronto, downshifting and unjobbing to take control of his time, and I'm sure his quality of life improved immeasurably. Today he wrote about The Real Costs of Going to Work, which cover the lifestyle costs of climbing the corporate ladder, but also the real financial costs to the individual and employer, which end up making the entire exercise look kind of ridiculous.


Rob said...

You are kind jeremy

Jeremy said...

Well, I wasn't motivated by kindness...your post really hit the nail on the head. It's the hidden costs of our somewhat unconscious decisions that can help us wake up to our realities, I think.