It can be inspirational if you take it the right way. I guess this may be along the same lines as the aging machine I linked to below -- some people will find it fascinating and cool while others won't want anything to do with the unpleasantries of envisioning their old age. Two other life clocks (this one and this one) take a more positive approach, use more lifestyle factors, and both gave me an extra three or four years to live, so I should really recommend them as well.
Monday, February 16, 2054
Looks like I'm going to kick around here for a while after your gone. Get lots of knitting done if I'm not too arthritic.
Seemed likely anyway -- you've got some good longevity in your genes, methinks.
Hey! I do pretty well! That's fun...
Congrats, Arwen. Although I do have some misgivings about believing that we're entitled to even an average-length life span, these clocks are kind of cool, and they get you thinking about how you really want to spend a finite amount of life time.
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