Friday, August 27, 2004


Ten Reasons to be Optimistic has a bunch of good, big ideas to make you think about the future with less cynicism. A few with huge lifestyle implications across society:
  • Women are slowly gaining power and influence in our society. Young women are better educated and better informed than any generation in our history.
  • Not having children is no longer, for the first time in our culture, considered selfish or anti-social.
  • In the next decade much of the baby boom generation will be retiring. That means a huge number of people, a generation with a penchant for change, will suddenly have an enormous amount of time to think, to learn, to do things for reasons other than financial gain.


Chris said...

I have been described as "optimistic to the point of uselessness." It's a mantle I wear proudly.

Jeremy said...

HA haha! You do seem exceptionally optimistic, Chris. I think that's one of the reasons I've enjoyed your writing so much in the past year or two. You're not blindly optimistic, seem to be able to acknowledge the bad stuff without it clouding your vision for a more positive future.

Chris said...


We gotta hang out someday.

Jeremy said...

Indeed. It's not like we live so far away, either. We had talked about an island tour this fall, but then we predictably booked flights to Winnipeg yet again. The lure of family and old friends always seems to trump the cool vacations.